I have to say, we really wondered how Disney and Christi would mix. We have had one meltdown each day and an extended one midday today. We have realized one thing...the hectic pace is not what triggers these meltdowns. She wants to go NON-STOP!!! It's the pausing for things like food and a break. She is wearing us out! At this point the stroller is just for carrying our stuff.
The "cast" has been marvelous. They have really been great. With a note from the doctor, we were able to get a guest assistance pass that allows us to use alternate enterances. It does not eliminate lines, but it REALLY makes them a lot more tolerable. Basically it works like a Fast Pass. Believe it or not Christi is quite the dare devil! She rode Tower of Terror twice! And thought it was fun! For all the commercialism, they really know how to treat kids with special needs. Seeing the kids who are here with Make-a-Wish makes us extremely grateful. It melts my heart to see the smiles as their wishes are granted.
So far we've been to Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. Tomorrow we venture to Epcot. We will round off our trip Friday by hitting the things we missed the first time. Gotta love Park Hopper!
As we download pics, I'll have more to share.
Kaitlyn, A.J. and Alaina are having a lot of fun too. We started the day with back-to-back Tower of Terror and Rock-n-Roller Coaster then ended the night with the same thing.
Time for some needed sleep. Half way there.