Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another random Christi funny...

Tonight at dinner I made a family favorite, Chicken Carbonara.
Christi tends to be a grazer and not sit for meals. In order to coax her into coming back for a bite, we have lowered ourselves to telling her we will eat her food first. The scenario goes a bit like this:
Us-"Christi, come eat."
Christi-no response
Us-"Christi, I'm going to take a bite! My bite!"
Christi-"AHHHHHHH!" as she comes running with her mouth wide open.

Well, we wrangled her into the high chair tonight. I was busy feeding her, so Jeff jokingly took my fork to give me a bite of MY food. Christi grabbed his hand and began to shove my food into her mouth. Jeff tried to stop her, but the small and mighty overtook him and got it in her mouth. Jeff told her that it was my food and showed her the fork on her own plate. As soon as she realized that she had actually taken a bite of my food, she proceeded to spit it out! This resulted in a round of hysterical laughter. She is good for that every now and then.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to what?!

Today is the last day of Christi's summer vacation and mine as well. I can't decide if I'm excited or not. I know that it's the beginning of another year closer, but I may be biting off more than I can chew. (Jeff says I seem to like to do that.)
I am taking three classroom courses: World History to 1500, Exceptional Child (Edu class) and Spanish 2. I am also taking two online courses: Marriage and Family and Statistics.
What is your vote on my sanity?
Here is my thought on this though...
If I can complete these five this semester, it leaves me with only six left for spring. I know, six sounds absolutely ridiculous; BUT I will only have a Psych class and either a fine arts or humanities that are required for my degree. The rest are electives. Again, I KNOW, why am I not utilizing some of those electives this fall? Because the original schedule I was signed up for was dropped and by the time I figured out everything I NEEDED what I would have liked to have taken was gone.
Lesson learned...Get the WHOLE story from your counselor before creating your schedule. Don't just look at it a semester at a time. I would have gone to school M-F with my original plan and still had a semester to go in the fall before my Associates Degree. Now, if I can make it with a fuller packed schedule, I only have class T & Th this fall and will have my Associates the end of this spring!
If you see me talking to myself or twitching by Thanksgiving...you'll know.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The first visit from the toothfairy!

Christi lost her first tooth NATURALLY! She has chipped a couple that had to be pulled and about knocked one out, but this one is legit! You can even see the 'grown-up' tooth starting to peek through!

This event has proven yet again that Christi knows more than we might think. After brushing her teeth tonight she said, "Toothfairy." I didn't even know she had a clue about the toothfairy. I just hope she falls asleep soon enough and deep enough to sneak in. It will be a challenge! The rest of the fun will be letting her pick out a treat with her loot.

I also have to share this next pic. It is sometimes disturbing what comes up on Google images. User beware!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Three down, two to go...

But wait, Rachel. You only have four kids!

Yep, I'm going back for round two. So much for a break though. Kaitlyn, A.J. and Alaina started today, but Christi and I both go back on Tuesday. That's alright. I think Christi is enjoying having me to herself today.

There are A LOT of changes this year! I'm not sure if I'm ready. Kaitlyn starts driver's ed. right out of the gate. Fortunately classroom comes first! A.J. is in 8th grade (another graduation year.) I watched Alaina walk in to the Middle School for the first time. (sniff) And lastly, Christi is changing schools all together. She will be going into a different program. I am excited for her. She will have a one-on-one working with her and have the opportunity to spend some time in a regular class. I think it's a great next step for her.

The girl's were very excited about their first day....A.J. was a little less enthusiastic. I'm sure I'll hear an earful when they get home. Until then....relative peace and quiet!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Yakkity yak...

We had a great day today. It was my mother-in-law's birthday. We celebrated with brunch and a day at the waterpark. It is always fun when the whole family can get together. Especially with three cops in the mix. It is very rare when all of them can make it to a family function at once.

O.K. So what does 'blah blah blah' have to do with such a wonderful day? Christi! You would think that a full day in the water out in the sun would drain a child. Well, it drained the rest of us; but Christi is the energizer bunny. A friend of mine came with for the day and just as we were getting towards home (a 40 minute drive) she exclaimed, "Christi has not stopped talking since we got in the car!" Yep. That's Christi. The 40 minutes of non-stop questions and commentary do not impress me anymore. She did it the whole way to Florida and back. NO NAPS!

As far as the questions...

Where are we?

What's next?

Where's the rainbow bridge?

(and my favorite...) What color are Sue's eyeballs?

***Anybody want to go for a ride???

Friday, August 8, 2008

You worry about squirrels?!

Nuf said...

Prayer request

I am keeping this anonymous.
Please pray for a friend of mine who is struggling with depression and some other things that go along with it. Some major issues have been brought to light very recently. Pray for a willingness to seek the professional help that is needed. Specifically for an appointment tomorrow (Sat.) A couple of Dr. appts. have been broken already. It will be a big step in the healing process.
Thank you in advance.



I guess this mainly goes out to you, but I am hoping someone out there has a solution!

That pesky ghost kid "Not Me" is up to it again! Not me somehow clicked on some popup for Vista Antivirus 2008, but it is not activated. It keeps popping up about every 10 seconds (I WISH I WERE EXAGGERATING!) It will not allow me to remove the software. I wrote a nasty e-mail to the contact link. I even used the words 'annoying' and 'I DO NOT WANT THIS.' I am hoping for a solution. Any suggestions?


Alright Kelly, even you could not bring yourself to relocate this thing! It's called a Spined Micrathena. A.J. and I were painting my grandmother's shed and this decided to build a web right in front of me! Creeped out does not even begin to cover it! I find it funny that when I googled 'strange spiders', this was one of the first things to pop up.

I found a site that claims that this is a common spider. I must say that I was quite content to have never met one before...or ever want to again.