I am so looking forward to watching Christi as she experiences Disney. We have watched just about every video and Travel Channel special that we can watch. I know I'm a dork, but just thinking about it makes me want to cry. The kids are growing so fast, but this is one of those places that I don't care what your birth certificate says, you can't help but shed a few years. Even a "cool" teenager gets excited about THE MOUSE. (The abundance of thrill rides that have been added doesn't hurt either.)
If you happen to see Christi, ask her to sing the Christi Song. Kaitlyn had been working on it with her quietly for months. All of a sudden the other day in the tub she starts singing, "C-H-R-I-S-T-I...A-B-U-C-K...Christi Buck...Christi Buck..." (The A fits in with her middle name, Ana.) Too funny. I hope if we meet Mickey, she will not be too overwhelmed to sing it for him.
Have I mentioned I'm excited???
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