It can be quite frustrating! I'm probably leaving you all with one question right now. "What was the question?" Sorry. Can't tell you yet. I need a few more answers to the new questions or I'll have many of you in the same boat I am. (By the way, this boat is definitely piloted by God, but He has blindfolded me for this part of the trip.)
**Also, I don't remember praying for patience. Maybe He just decided I need that without asking.**
1 comment:
Alright...the question was whether or not Jeff was going to get a different job within his current company. The answer has brought on more frustration and more questions. The position was withdrawn, but he was told most likely he would have been hired for it. (frustration) The reason the job was withdrawn was that the company was sold literally overnight. His boss found out only 14 hours before he did. Until things settle and they start to figure out what all if anything will change with the new ownership, no new position. The person who was hiring for the position he wanted said that there ought to be some great opportunities available. We just have to trust God that that is true. The other job was a fantastic opportunity. Knowing it was basically his, but now it's gone is almost worse for Jeff than knowing it went to someone else.
Still more questions...
Who is this company?
Will there be restructuring?
Will the same job be available once things settle?
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