Monday, July 21, 2008

squirrel melts

Hey Dennis,
I'm still not sure how to actually post video, but you can click on the YouTube link below to watch. I saw this on Country Fried Home Videos the other day and immediately thought of you. This is a great way to cure your squirrel problem, keep Tristi happy and help during the economic crisis...

Hope it helps!

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


Tristi said...

That's an interesting idea. As long as it's Dennis eating them, I think it's great. Otherwise, might as well just eat rats!

Rachel B said...

I thought you might like this suggestion, Tristi! I'd steer clear of Papp dinner invites or church socials for a while. :)

Tristi said...

Actually, I just remembered that my dad liked to eat these little critters. He was a true hunter and didn't believe in wasting any meat. I recall one time he served us rabbit while telling us it was chicken. As far as I know, he never served us the squirrel, though. That was just something he and my mom ate!

Anonymous said...

Sweet mother! Is that what they do down in Braidwood, Rach?

Rachel B said...

You didn't recognize A.J. and me in the video? I'm disappointed. I know that the "T.V. names" may throw some people, but I thought you knew us better than that.

Just wait for the next episode...
Skunk jerky! YUM!

Dennis said...

I want to barf!