Wednesday, May 28, 2008
We're walking, we're walking...

Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Days Are Here Again...!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Anyone have a toddler sized football helmet?

She was laying in her closet kicking the closet wall. A decorative solid oak wood shelf that was sitting on the closet shelf fell off and hit her square in the lip. I won't go into too much detail, but it required three stitches on the outside of her lip and four more inside. I will leave it to your imagination. Just think though about head and face wounds. Alaina unfortuantely was the first to go into her room. I feel so bad because as soon as she saw all the blood, she freaked!
Christi was a trooper at the E.R. Tina the tech, who I am beginning to get to know too well, along with the Dr. was amazed at how well she behaved. They were worried that she wouldn't tolerate receiving stitches. We barely had to hold her down. You would think that by now this kid would be terrified by hospitals. She leaves blowing kisses and saying, "Bye. See you later. Love you!" While I say, "Hope we never come back! ...no offense!"
We are thinking of remodeling...I hear the foam look could be a new fashion trend!

School has been out a week and I haven't had a minute to myself! Last Thursday was my last final! Wahoo! Of course, Friday I had a child home sick. Then Sunday, Mother's Day, we made a late E.R. visit for 7 stitches to Christi's upper lip, which kept her home Monday. She proceeded to pull a couple of them out by Tuesday evening, so we made an office run yesterday.
Don't get me wrong...I've managed to squeeze a few lunch dates in. It was so nice to catch up a little with some friends. I'd felt like I'd abandoned my social life for a while! I just thought I'd have a few days to myself, quiet, at home. (I'm laughing as I write.) I should know better by now! I have several projects I'd love to tackle while my kids are still in school. Time is ticking away quickly! I'm not sure I can get to them all!
Well, the moment you've all been waiting for...the grades.
I'm proud of myself. I managed an A in Sociology-Comparative Religions, an A in Biology and a B in Spanish. I have at least one more year until I will transfer to ISU. Fortunately it's not too long of a drive there. I don't think Jeff and the kids would appreciate me moving into a dorm!