School has been out a week and I haven't had a minute to myself! Last Thursday was my last final! Wahoo! Of course, Friday I had a child home sick. Then Sunday, Mother's Day, we made a late E.R. visit for 7 stitches to Christi's upper lip, which kept her home Monday. She proceeded to pull a couple of them out by Tuesday evening, so we made an office run yesterday.
Don't get me wrong...I've managed to squeeze a few lunch dates in. It was so nice to catch up a little with some friends. I'd felt like I'd abandoned my social life for a while! I just thought I'd have a few days to myself, quiet, at home. (I'm laughing as I write.) I should know better by now! I have several projects I'd love to tackle while my kids are still in school. Time is ticking away quickly! I'm not sure I can get to them all!
Well, the moment you've all been waiting for...the grades.
I'm proud of myself. I managed an A in Sociology-Comparative Religions, an A in Biology and a B in Spanish. I have at least one more year until I will transfer to ISU. Fortunately it's not too long of a drive there. I don't think Jeff and the kids would appreciate me moving into a dorm!
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