Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to what?!

Today is the last day of Christi's summer vacation and mine as well. I can't decide if I'm excited or not. I know that it's the beginning of another year closer, but I may be biting off more than I can chew. (Jeff says I seem to like to do that.)
I am taking three classroom courses: World History to 1500, Exceptional Child (Edu class) and Spanish 2. I am also taking two online courses: Marriage and Family and Statistics.
What is your vote on my sanity?
Here is my thought on this though...
If I can complete these five this semester, it leaves me with only six left for spring. I know, six sounds absolutely ridiculous; BUT I will only have a Psych class and either a fine arts or humanities that are required for my degree. The rest are electives. Again, I KNOW, why am I not utilizing some of those electives this fall? Because the original schedule I was signed up for was dropped and by the time I figured out everything I NEEDED what I would have liked to have taken was gone.
Lesson learned...Get the WHOLE story from your counselor before creating your schedule. Don't just look at it a semester at a time. I would have gone to school M-F with my original plan and still had a semester to go in the fall before my Associates Degree. Now, if I can make it with a fuller packed schedule, I only have class T & Th this fall and will have my Associates the end of this spring!
If you see me talking to myself or twitching by'll know.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Wow've got your hands FULL!

I commend you for going for it with gusto :)

We're proud of you!