I'm not too fond of the forecast for Friday. Ice and plane landings don't go too well together! Jeff is supposed to be coming in early in the afternoon. I will drive to St. Louis or Indianapolis to get him if I have to.
Three down, two to go...
But wait, Rachel. You only have four kids!
Yep, I'm going back for round two. So much for a break though. Kaitlyn, A.J. and Alaina started today, but Christi and I both go back on Tuesday. That's alright. I think Christi is enjoying having me to herself today.
There are A LOT of changes this year! I'm not sure if I'm ready. Kaitlyn starts driver's ed. right out of the gate. Fortunately classroom comes first! A.J. is in 8th grade (another graduation year.) I watched Alaina walk in to the Middle School for the first time. (sniff) And lastly, Christi is changing schools all together. She will be going into a different program. I am excited for her. She will have a one-on-one working with her and have the opportunity to spend some time in a regular class. I think it's a great next step for her.
The girl's were very excited about their first day....A.J. was a little less enthusiastic. I'm sure I'll hear an earful when they get home. Until then....relative peace and quiet!
We had a great day today. It was my mother-in-law's birthday. We celebrated with brunch and a day at the waterpark. It is always fun when the whole family can get together. Especially with three cops in the mix. It is very rare when all of them can make it to a family function at once.
O.K. So what does 'blah blah blah' have to do with such a wonderful day? Christi! You would think that a full day in the water out in the sun would drain a child. Well, it drained the rest of us; but Christi is the energizer bunny. A friend of mine came with for the day and just as we were getting towards home (a 40 minute drive) she exclaimed, "Christi has not stopped talking since we got in the car!" Yep. That's Christi. The 40 minutes of non-stop questions and commentary do not impress me anymore. She did it the whole way to Florida and back. NO NAPS!
As far as the questions...
Where are we?
What's next?
Where's the rainbow bridge?
(and my favorite...) What color are Sue's eyeballs?
***Anybody want to go for a ride???
School has been out a week and I haven't had a minute to myself! Last Thursday was my last final! Wahoo! Of course, Friday I had a child home sick. Then Sunday, Mother's Day, we made a late E.R. visit for 7 stitches to Christi's upper lip, which kept her home Monday. She proceeded to pull a couple of them out by Tuesday evening, so we made an office run yesterday.
Don't get me wrong...I've managed to squeeze a few lunch dates in. It was so nice to catch up a little with some friends. I'd felt like I'd abandoned my social life for a while! I just thought I'd have a few days to myself, quiet, at home. (I'm laughing as I write.) I should know better by now! I have several projects I'd love to tackle while my kids are still in school. Time is ticking away quickly! I'm not sure I can get to them all!
Well, the moment you've all been waiting for...the grades.
I'm proud of myself. I managed an A in Sociology-Comparative Religions, an A in Biology and a B in Spanish. I have at least one more year until I will transfer to ISU. Fortunately it's not too long of a drive there. I don't think Jeff and the kids would appreciate me moving into a dorm!